Wednesday, December 20, 2006


We all know the meaning of bitch, so you may think Why Men Love Bitches (por qué los hombres aman a las cabronas) is a derogative title, but is not, actually that title belongs to a book written by Sherry Argov, and it is a simple and humoristic woman’s guide to holding her own in a relationship, it is organized into ten chapters with 100 “Attraction Principals”.

This book isn’t about how to play or how to manipulate someone; it is about the attitude girls should have so as to stop being a nice girl and then become a new and improve bitch.

According to Sherry there are two kind of girls the ones that are TOO nice and bitches, now you may wonder, how can I know if I am a nice girl or a bitch?

Let’s meet the nice girl…..

I guess everybody knows a nice girl, she is the kind woman who will overcompensate, giving everything to a man, without him having to invest much in the relationship, also she is the woman who gives blindly because she wants more of her attentions to be reciprocated and she is the woman who goes along with what she thinks her man will like or want, so that means she is too willing to accommodate and please a man, because she thinks that’s the best way to bring his love, but at the end that attitude leads a man to see her like a desperate or like a needy woman.

So at the end a nice girl will start feeling miserable and will start complaining about her relationship but she won’t say a peep and she will want to talk about the situation they are living without having the answer she was expecting.

Now let’s meet a bitch

At the beginning of chapter ten Sherry gives a new definition of the term bitch.

A bitch is a woman who won’t bang her head against the wall obsessing over someone else’s opinion – be it a man or anyone else in her life. She understands that if someone does not approve of her, it’s just one person’s opinion; therefore, it’s of no real importance. She doesn’t try to live up to anyone else’s standards – only her own.

In other words a bitch is the kind of girl who keeps her independency, who doesn’t chases a man, who has some mystery, a girl who doesn’t allow a man to see her having a bad moment, a girl who has the control of her time and feelings. And if she complains about something or someone, she will say plenty of peeps and if she sees the relationship is not worthwhile she will say no more.

So, as you can see the main difference between a nice girl and a bitch is the attitude each one has.

I want to finish this entry saying:

“Just remember: is not about a man, is your life and it has a big value so as to be wasted. Do things only if you see they are convenient for you, especially about your options and the one you let be close to you. It will give you better utility, especially on dignity department. So never ask for affection, if he does not correspond you, stop giving him affection and stop insisting”.

Post Script

I don’t want to sound like a feminist person, but is a nice feeling to be a bitch; ’cause that means you are a Babe In Total Control of Herself.

When I started reading this book I was slightly skeptical, because I didn’t have idea what I was going to find, but little by little it was calling my attention ’cause it has some helpful advices, but some others are not really good at all. Actually, I’m not saying to apply the whole book on your personal life, ’cause that will be kind of silly. Since my point of view there should be a balance between being a nice girl and a bitch.


Anonymous said...

Interesante y más interesante encontrar mujeres seguras de si mismas, luchonas y con ganas de crecer.
Ojalá y lo charlemos con un café.

Pipiolex said...

INteresane... pero, para comprender a cabalidad el sentido profundo de tu desarrollo intelectual, ¿Es posible leerlo en castellano?.

Saludos desde Chile y Feliz Navidad

LettyLup said...

Jarrito: me parece muy buena idea el charlar un poco mas al respecto, solo hay que decir fecha, hora y lugar.

Pipiolex: es posible encontrar este libro traducido al español, el cual lleva por título "Por que los hombres aman a las cabronas". Gracias por tu visita y bienvenido a este espacio.


YKR said...

I have seen this book in Sanborns. Actually, it is the kind of texts that I usually attack a little, because I judge it based on common sense observations and mistakes; but maybe it is necessary to read it carefully to offer a better opinion.

Hugs & happy new year.

LettyLup said...

I had the same opinion, but after reading the book, it made me change a little bit my way of thinking.

Happy New Year

Anonymous said...

El sábado me viene el tiempo para ese café y un abrazo del fin de año.
Por cierto dale al nuevo post, tu sabes la direción del pachón