Thursday, November 23, 2006


The internet has been a revolutionary tool that has changed our lives in a big way, ’cause we can use it, either at home for personal or at work for professional usages. Is quite normal that many people spend part of their day on internet, and they use this kind of medium to get any kind of information. That’s for sure whatever you are looking for you will find it. So, is it possible to find your soul mate and true love in cyberspace?

I think is possible, but I bet is a challenge to do it. I mean you can talk with different kind of people and you can start feeling attracted to a person just by his way of writing, thinking or speaking and I guess that is good beginning. So next step will be to see how he looks like, so you know the person by either cam or picture and perhaps at the same time you can be listening to his voice and all those factors may let you think you will like to know him. So after being talking for a while both may decide is time to know each other, so you have a date.

Since my point of view that will be the hardest part, first ’cause for some people the computer makes them have more self confidence, and in the other hand what if he is not what you expected or what if you don’t feel that chemical or sexual attraction. I mean, things may change.

Anyways, I think to date someone you know in the internet is a challenge, and I guess it will be a good experience. So if you are looking for someone in cyberspace keep on that, who knows probably you, will find your true love.

Possible or impossible, what do you think about it?


OzHoMaTli said...

Polémico post pero interesante.
Hace tiempo escuche a una de mis tantas maestras del laboratorio decir que el hablar con las personas es homologo al acicalamiento de los monos, el cuál tiene como función el establecer y fortalecer vínculos. Esto lo tomo por "I mean you can talk with different kind of people and you can start feeling attracted to a person just by his way of writing, thinking or speaking and I guess that is good beginning", el problema es que aunque algunos hipoteticen que el cerebro ha evolucionado por selección sexual, hace falta otra parte importante, la de la vista, pues la sabiduría popular afirma que de la vista nace el amor "creo que me despego del tema y que entro en otro que ya se discutió aquí"
En conclusión, puede caber la posibilidad de encontrar al amor de nuestras vidas por internet, pero creo que es más complicado.
Saludos e interesante post.

Lian said...

Muy interesante. Muchas personas han encontrado al amor verdadero por internet, pero despues de tener alguna que otra desilución. Lo importante es buscarla bien y esperar a que llegue.
Posible solo cuando quieres, imposible cuando te niegas a.

LettyLup said...

Ohzomatli: es muy cierto lo que dices, creo que no solo es importante la atracción mental que una persona te pueda dar, si no tambien la fisica.

Lian: puedes buscar y puedes decir es mi principe azul, pero cuando lo ves podrias decir oops me equivoque, aunque claro no te deja de atrater mentalmente. Pero bueno nada es imposible y todo puede pasar.
