Thursday, October 05, 2006


Sometimes we believe that we have found the right person, but unfortunately the life makes you see that is not true and you have to start again. This time I want to find a person who doesn’t laugh and who doesn´t show indiference to my feelings, a person who doesn´t see tenderness like a weakness, a person who doesn’t feel fear to love, a person who can not be selfish, a person who can define what he wants and what he feels, a person who has the worth to say “I love you” or “I miss you”, mainly I’m looking for a person who is looking for me in the way I am.


Anonymous said...

Buscar a alguien que nos quiera y vea como somos es purificar y simplificar el amor, y supongo que lo interesante del amor radica en esa sencillez.
Tu sonríele a la vida que ella te sonreirá con ese sapo azul.

LettyLup said...

Posiblemente el sapo azul anda rondando por ahi, pero tal vez he estado demasiado cegada por una ilusión que no me ha permitido descubrirlo