Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Yesterday after a stressful day, a three years old girl with her tenderness and her ideas made feel really better.

I started thinking that despite children are small and defenseless they have a lot of wisdom, because they make you understand in thousand forms that there are so many things to be happy with. Also I saw that children have a big capacity to love and with their innocent look they are able to transmit all happiness, honesty and sincerity they keep on their heart.

I think that the most important lesson they can give us is that is possible to live without hatred and resentment.


Lian said...

Hola Lettylup. Yo también creo que los niños tienen muchas cosas que enseñarnos, no solo vivir sin odio ni resentimiento, sino también la forma en que debemos vivir cada día. Los niños nos enseñan a no preocuparnos de las cosas, a perdonar y a vivir sin preocupaciones. Por esto debemos de defender sus derechos. Los niños son el presente y futuro de México y del mundo.

LettyLup said...

Los niños dia a dia tendran algo nuevo que enseñarnos.