Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I can not define the feeling I´m having right now, perhaps I am sad after listening that, today was going to be the last time I was going to see you, ’cause you have to go to other place, and I can not deny it, it was a kind of shock to know it.

It was a strange feeling ’cause I just saw you four times but since the first time I felt attracted to you because of the sensuality of your dancing. I´m sure I will keep in my memories that sweet pleasure you made me feel and the chance I had today to dance with you.

“Face of a child but soul of a man”.


OzHoMaTli said...

Dejar ir lo que queremos siempre nos pone tristes, ya sea persona, hábito, cosa. Pero con el tiempo, veras que todo pasa, finalmente no se va para siempre, y ahí si agarrate, porque te me mueres.

LettyLup said...

El perder algo que te hace sentir bien te pone triste, claro el grado de la tristeza varia dependiendo del tiempo que hayas compartido con alguien y/o la costumbre del hábito.
